
Brian Michael Dunn

Dimensions of installation:  variable
Dimensions of each piece: dollar bill sized
Medium: acrylic on steel

Individual bills are $20 each

*Note: If you select pick-up at check-out you are reserving a piece and can select from the remaining variations when you pick-up. If you select shipping, a bill will be randomly selected for you. 

In Material (2022), I hope to point towards the abstract conceptual construction of capital by, inversely, providing an exaggerated material experience with physical currency. The small site-specific sculpture consists of 100 pieces of painted sheet metal – formed and printed re-creations of U.S. dollar bills - scattered across a kitchen table and spilling onto the floor. The bills are dispersed randomly and in groupings that, like Robert Morris’s ‘Scatter Piece’ (1969), form little ‘still lifes’ while also resisting tableau. The materials demonstrate activity along the lines of Richard Serra’s ‘Verb List’ (1968) (to fold, to roll, to crumple…) but are occasionally made to meet more practical physical demands (one wobbly table leg is propped up by a wad of bills, one or more bills on the tabletop show evidence of ‘bite’ marks). The kitchen table is a site where physical, conceptual and economic realities often converge and just as often ends up as a big mess, so it is a prime location for this piece.

About the Artist:
Brian Michael Dunn creates pa

intings and sculptures that mine the visual language of mass reproduction. Born in Milwaukee, WI, Dunn received a Bachelor of Fine Art in Painting from Boston University and a Masters of Fine Art from Cornell University. Dunn is an alumni of the Hamiltonian Artists Fellowship and was awarded a Maryland State Arts Council Individual Artist Grant in 2019. Dunn was awarded fellowships to attend the Millay Residency in Austerlitz, NY, the Byrdcliffe Residency in Woodstock, NY and the Yale Summer Painting Program in Norfolk, CT. Dunn has exhibited in solo and group exhibitions throughout the region, most recently at Hamiltonian Gallery, Washington DC, Mono Practice and the Reinstitute, Baltimore and Tiger Strikes Asteroid, New York.

Monday Nov 5 2018