First Aid

Emily Francisco

Dimensions of installation: variable (within 12 x 34 x 3.5) inches
Dimensions of each box: 3.75 x 2.25 x 0.875 inches
Medium: Tin boxes, light activated sound modules, dried lavender, various comfort objects, spray paint, vinyl, ink

Set of 3

In brainstorming what a first aid kit for your emotional state might contain, I conducted a mini-survey. Based on the results I collected various small comfort objects, including recordings of cats, dogs, and pigs from social media platforms to mix into a set of two-minute sound clips. The clips playback through light activated sound modules installed in individual tins. As with music boxes, the audio only plays when the tins are open. These objects are intended to live inside of a bathroom medicine cabinet, to be opened as needed – providing comfort on difficult days.

About the Artist:
Emily Francisco is a sculptress specializing in the creation of interactive objects that generate sound. Born in Honolulu, raised in the lead belt, educated in Saint Louis and the District of Columbia - she exhibits work internationally and occasionally performs around Washington DC. Emily currently maintains her studio at STABLE Arts and works at a museum to support her toddler and food focused cat.

Monday Nov 5 2018