Miriam Julianna

“Her / Him”
Size: 12 x 12 inches (x2)
Medium: gel medium transfer and collage on carved wood board
$99.99 (together) ︎ SOLD

Size: 9 x 11 inches
Medium: paint, trash, bird, and salt on metal flashing
was $49.99

why these were made and why the artist would like to part with them...

“Her and Him were made from papers a friend found in his attic. I’m ready to part with them, but I want them to go together. It makes me feel guilty how much more I like Him, like we’re supposed to love all our children equally or something?”

“I made BirdBoy when I was playing with what salt does when you mix it with paint. Turns out it keeps changing over time, and gives off paint people’s version of dandruff.”



About the Artist:
Miriam Julianna is an untrained artist living in D.C. If you meet her in the wild ask her to fold you a crane as part of Searching for Eon.

Monday Nov 5 2018